About Us

Small Medium Enterprice that is focused and ambitious to ensure that, the average person with an average earning or the jobless youth, is capable of making an extra cash through baiteKash platform. So we partnered with the best companies who offer Ads and Affiliate marketing, while we focus on refferals, investors and partners in which we share with you 50% of the earning that you work for. We believe in something small, is better than nothing at all. #Work smart.

  • User Friendly

    The Interface is so smooth you need no manual.

  • Easy to Understand

    Simple UI and stuctured content makes it so easy to navigate for anyone.

  • Creative Design

    So inovative and new, fresh content that if you find elsewhere, they probably copied it here.

  • Easy to Use

    Once signed up, Its just a matter of Click... Click... and Swipe.

iPhone mockup
  • Premium Quality

    You never stop earning from your Clients once you are on a paid account.

  • Stealth Encription

    We have the best software engineering team by far. Making the system so secure by the Hour.

  • Different Colors

    Colors on buttons and fragments differenciate the different features, so Amazing.

  • 24/7 Support

    Yes, We are always here for you.

How it Works

It is quite simple. There are Two ways you can Earn from this platform, The first way is by watching ads. they do not pay that much nor that fast, but eventually, they do pay. The second and best Option is EARNING through Clients. This is to say, When a new user registers using your T.M code, then they update there account, you earn 50% of their registered account amount while still having the capability of earning through ads. Since the accounts are renewed MONTHLY, You will always have money at the begining of the month.T&C apply e.g. the chart

Our Till Number is;


*All payments should only be made via the TILL NUMBER.

Pricing Plans

There are many variations and thoughts on matters conserning money, here's how ours work.


Ksh 50/month

  • Earn ksh 25 from all your Clients.
  • Capable of toping up with Ads
  • Limited to 40 ads per day.
  • Limited Support

ksh 100/month

  • Earn from Ads.
  • Earn ksh 25 from all your Starters.
  • Earn ksh 50 from all your Interns and higher.
  • Withdrawal at anytime.
  • Unlimited customer support.
  • No ads

ksh 500/month

  • Earn from Ads.
  • Earn ksh 25 from all your Starters.
  • Earn ksh 50 from all your Interns.
  • Earn ksh 250 from all your wazito and higher.
  • Withdrawal at anytime.
  • Unlimited customer support.
  • No ads

ksh 1000/month

  • Earn from Ads.
  • Earn ksh 25 from all your Starters.
  • Earn ksh 50 from all your Interns.
  • Earn ksh 250 from all your wazito.
  • Earn ksh 500 from all your BigFish Clients.
  • Withdrawal at anytime.
  • Unlimited customer support.
  • 21 years and Older.

App Screenshots

Here is a sneak preview of some of our awesome designs.

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